Use "outcrop|outcropped|outcropping|outcrops" in a sentence

1. 19 They are steep and treacherous with outcropping rock.

2. The castle perches on a high rocky outcrop.

3. Enemy aircraft swarmed overhead, methodically searching each gully and outcrop.

4. The castle is perched on a massive outcrop of rock.

5. The two Beaches are seperated by a small rocky outcrop

6. Areopagus The Areopagus is a prominent rock outcropping located northwest of the Acropolis in Athens, Greece

7. In outcrop, it is usually a dolomite, or shaly dolomite with some Anhydrite

8. To slope upward: The trail Ascends to an outcrop overlooking the valley

9. She sat on a rocky outcrop at the crown of the hill.

10. Hollies were dying on the granite outcrop of Charnwood Forest in Leicestershire.

11. The floodplain group occurs on alluvial terraces and the Pinus contorta group on rock outcrops.

12. Invertebrates whizzed and Chirred in the tangles of brush beneath the sandstone outcrops

13. 9 Before the days of intensive quarrying, natural rock outcrops were of great significance.

14. At the bottom end of the playing fields is a rocky outcrop.

15. “Bummers Rock” is a scenic little outcrop jutting southward toward the Boulder Creek drainage

16. Never before have I encountered so many sharks on a single coral outcrop.

17. The others continued to advance into the gulley, scuttling between outcrops of rock.

18. These are outcrops of rose quartz, and one entire hilltop is composed of this beautiful crystal.

19. “Above Mahé’s tiny capital, Victoria, there is an outcrop of dark granite r...

20. He pressed on and on, resting only briefly on a rock outcrop before continuing.

21. In the shadows, in front of an outcrop of rock, stood a pedestal.

22. A limestone outcropping on Big Creek on the west side of town gives its name to the Bethany Falls Limestone formation.

23. Young tigers romp around granite outcrops sculptured unwittingly by Celtic picks and shovels.

24. The section is an outcrop of the Wheeler Formation, a succession of Calcareous shales.

25. She found Wynne-Jones resting in the overhang of a rocky outcrop, exhausted, wretched, starving.

26. This formation is an outcropping of Devonian limestone created from a larger reef when most of Oregon was covered by water.

27. Mr. Knecht was searching for fossils near a swamp and found a promising rock outcrop.

28. Aeromagnetic data have been used to improve surface mapping in areas of few or no outcrop.

29. At the very top of the hill is a natural outcrop known as the Banbury Stone.

30. They emerge between rocky outcrops and flow hundreds of metres down steep slopes towards the plains below .

31. The crushed-rock aggregates under study were obtained from Precambrian acid igneous rock outcrops in and around Gauhati.

32. Ironstone Concretions are common around Sydney, with its outcrops of iron-rich shale and sandstone

33. (g) Rhynchodiniopsis Aptiana, Myklegardfjellet outcrop section, level 105.00 m, sample 27012-6; MC 20.3 × 107.5

34. The intrusive is known to outcrop over a two kilometre strike length along the regional Bathurst Inlet Fault

35. Moraines are practically absent as there are hardly any rock outcrops in the accumulation area (August 24th, 1977).

36. Now, with dynamite, the excavators were nibbling back each outcrop farther and farther away from the center.

37. Amygdaloidal basalt Port road outcrop, Morro de Jable, Pájara, Fuerteventura, Las Palmas Province, Canary Islands, Spain

38. An outcrop of white rock from the steep hillside seemed to the children as tall as a cliff.

39. The dip slope eventually merges with the Carboniferous limestone which outcrops in the karst landscape to the south.

40. The castle, rising on a single outcrop of rock from the plain. was built very largely of books.

41. Bearberry is commonly found in dry, non-nutrient soils such as sand, soils on rock outcrops and shallow soils

42. Indonesia Coal and peat fires of Indonesia are often caught fires by forest fires near outcrop Alluviations at the surface

43. The ground rose slightly, then dipped; after a hundred yards or so a shallow outcrop of rocks hid the house.

44. Aboriginals still point to various rocky outcrops or sandstone gullies which trace the Myndie Snake's progress through the outback.

45. The Chuckwalla is found in rocky outcrops, lava flows, and rocky hillsides of the Great Basin, Mojave and Sonoran deserts

46. The Argali is a threatened migratory mountain ungulate inhabiting mountains, steppe valleys and rocky outcrops in Central Asia

47. Coal and peat fires of Indonesia are often c aught fires by forest fires nea r outcrop Alluviations at the surface

48. Then a buttery glow leaking from horizon to horizon, flooding the mesas and outcrop rock of the high desert.

49. The geologist records this by marking on a map the dip and strike of the beds wherever they outcrop.

50. One last rocky outcrop of headland; it seemed to take an age to round. the waves began to decrease.

51. BIOLOGY General Scouleria marginata is a perennial, acrocarpous moss species that grows on exposed and wet rocks and rock outcrops along watercourses.

52. At fifty feet he levelled out, slipped the safety off the spear gun, and swam slowly round the coral outcrop.

53. The population that lives in an isolated rock outcrop hides in crevasses where its flattened body offers a selective advantage.

54. 11 The geologist records this by marking on a map the dip and strike of the beds wherever they outcrop.

55. At first we thought it might be an outcrop of magnetic rock, but all the geological evidence was against it.

56. The non-anti-Aliased examples break up curves into steps and jagged outcrops, sometimes called "the jaggies" or "pixelation"

57. It is a slender, upright tree which grows 5–7 metres in height, at forest margins, rocky outcrops, hillsides, and termite mounds.

58. There are extensive Liassic outcrops around the coast of the United Kingdom, in particular in Glamorgan, North Yorkshire and Dorset.

59. The Channels, the 53rd state natural area preserve, is an area of significant high elevation forest, rock outcrop and cliff communities

60. Well over thirty distinct hard-rock types, each representing a different rock outcrop, were utilised for artefacts in the prehistoric period.

61. This granodiorite temper was found to be similar to the outcrop close to Mountsorrel on the eastern part of Charnwood Forest.

62. Cherts are present at only 3 of 12 localities containing outcrops of Edwards Limestone and 7 of 12 gravel bar localities

63. Drosera derbyensis grows in sandy soils in floodways or near rock outcrops from Derby to Beverley Springs in the Kimberley region.

64. 19 Geologist Dhanajay Mohabey of the Indian Geological Survey first unearthed the fossil 26 years ago in a rocky, limestone outcropping in the northwestern Indian village of Dholi Dungri.

65. Arkose is a sand or sandstone with considerable feldspar content, derived from weathering and erosion of a (usually nearby) granitic rock outcrop.

66. Biology Scouleria marginata is a perennial, acrocarpous moss species that grows in tufts on exposed and wet rocks and rock outcrops along watercourses.

67. The frontal riser of the first pediment surface (P is the most recent fault scarp or diluvial platform; at the foot of pediment P1 outcrops the fault.

68. Some of the volcanic Bluestones in the inner ring of Stonehenge officially match an outcrop in Wales that's 160 miles (257 kilometers) from the …

69. Metamorphic olivine formed by the reaction of Antigorite + brucite is widespread in serpentinites that crop out in glacier-polished outcrops at the Unterer Theodulglacier, Zermatt

70. The juxtaposition of regionally mapped Aquifers has led to some instances where an aquifer outcrop or shallow subcrop is bounded by a State line

71. Before the French Revolution, until 1790, the church and the priory house of Arras formed a whole with adjoining lands: 6400 m2 of vines, 1.7 hectares of land, and 7000 m2 of outcropping rocks.

72. Texas Betony looks and feels especially at home in Hill Country gardens with rocky outcrops, where limestone boulders are commonly found half buried, or even ly

73. This paper chooses the Yaogou hornblendite body, one of the two major ultramafic outcrops in the Laiyuan batholith, as a representative to carry out detailed research.

74. Metamorphic olivine formed by the reaction of antigorite + Brucite is widespread in serpentinites that crop out in glacier-polished outcrops at the Unterer Theodulglacier, Zermatt

75. The outcrops of galena and Arsenopyrite above the mine were what first drew prospectors to Monte Cristo, since they made the side of Hubbard Peak shine in the sunlight

76. While Clinker may look very uniform and consistent when spread on a road or at fi rst glance in outcrop, it typically is not (fi g

77. Earlier exploration consisted of prospecting, geochemical and induced potential surveys and trenching, and unearthed outcrop and boulder occurrences of ankerite veins in altered Horton Group siltstones.

78. Trenching on three sides all round a marked area into the rock outcrop isolated a large rectangular mass on which the scarps for the excavation were prepared .

79. The Blossoms of Wealth are obtained after the player completes the Ley Line Outcrop event, which will begin to appear on the map after reaching adventure rank …

80. FOREST COUNTY: Small grains of Andradite, usually with chlorite rims occur in outcrops of the McCaslin Quartzite at the Deer Lookout on Tower Hill in T.34N.